Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, April 29, 2011

ergh the stomach PMS ache is killing me

OMG! i really had a bad bad bad and bad Stomach Ache today.sakit tahap SPEECHLESS la kan.i never have this type of stomach ache before.usually it was just a normal hurt.biaselah perempuan kan.PMS -,- errr maybe dah lame i skip kot =,=' yang peliknye kan,sakit sakit pun sempat aku post pasal ache aku ni.HAHA.gila betul.well im getting better now.Yippie! sebab ade Doctor Pocoyo jage i.hikhik:) so cepatlah im feeling better..

i wake up at 10:30 (anak dara pemalas) -,- then i sedar2 dah pms.at first i felt no hurts,then aftr i take a bath..yeahh the hurt came so sudden and non stop berdenyut denyut mcm hati berdegup.i turun nak makan breakfast but no,i dont have that appetite to eat anything.i makan panadol but not that panadol soluble la kan.it taste Yucks! haha kan kan doctor pocoyo? hehe.then i naik bilik at 12:00 noon.i didnt take any lunch at all..i asyik keluar masuk tandas je.padahal theres nothing i buat pun kat tandas tu.HAHA.kot kot la sakit perut makan salah ke ape kan.then i baring berguling guling atas katil sambil pegang perut i yang macam meragam lapar.then i dont know mcm mane i boleh tetido walaupun tgah sakit -,- maybe sebab i dengar lagu kot.haha thanks to the Music! i tido from 1:00 til 6:30pm..yeahh that is totally a long long rest.and now i felt relieve from the pain,alhamdulillah.

sampai sekarang i didnt eat anything sebab i takut nanti sakit balik,hehe.plus im not even hungry at all..this is the worst stomach pms ache ever la.mcm orang bersalin la kononnye kan,haha over plak i ni.but SERIOUSLY it damn freaking hurt.to girls out there,im sure u guys pernah felt the hurt because of pms or maybe worse than i felt.to guys plak,korang mane pernah rase sebab korang tak pms. =,=  kalau korang sakit tu maybe sakit sebab nak berak or sakit bende lain but not pms.

p/s: Im glad im still alive! haha :D

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